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Notification of death / Todesmeldung / L'enregistrement du décès

Notification of the death of a citizen of the Republic of Serbia in the Swiss Confederation, in order to register the death in persons civil registry books kept in the Republic of Serbia, is performed with the personal presence of the applicant (close relative), during which occasion the following original documentation shall be presented:

1. Original death certificate in an international form (in German, this document is called „Auszug aus dem Todesregister“, in French „Extrait de l'acte de décès“, in Italian „Estratto dell 'atto di morte“), original, not older than 6 months;
2. Translation of this death certificate by a certified court interpreter for the Serbian language;
3. Passport of deceased person (and an identity card if he/she had one);
4. Passport of the person who reports death, in order to determine the identity of the applicant;
5. Paid consular fee (only cards accepted!).

Death notification, as well as the other changes in personal status (birth, marriage), can also be reported directly to Serbia, in the competent municipality where the civil registry books of the person are kept.

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Consular services
Child’s birth notification / Kindesanmeldung / L'enregistrement des enfants
Notification of marriage / Eheanmeldung / L'enregistrement du mariage
Divorce / Ehescheidung / Le divorce
Notification of death / Todesmeldung / L'enregistrement du décès
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