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Working Hours
Monday - Friday:
08:00 - 16:00 hours
The Consular Section is open to public: 09:00 - 13:00 hours


Seminarstrasse 5
3006 Bern


Phone: +41 31  352-63-53, 352-63-54

Emergency phone: +41 31 352-63-55

Fax:      +41 31  351 4474


web: http://berne.mfa.gov.rs

ZAHLUNGEN MIT EC-KARTEN (Electronic Cash Karte)
Wir möchten die Bürger darüber informieren, dass ab dem 01.04.2021 die Zahlung für alle konsularischen Dienste in der Botschaft ausschließlich mit EC-Karten erfolgt.

E-mail: (not for consular information)




Official Twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia:


E-mail (consular information only):






Die Botschaft der Republik Serbien

bleibt am 1. 2. und 6. 7. januar 2025.

aufgrund der Feiertage geschlossen.


Pendant les fêtes
l’Ambassade de la République de Serbie
sera fermée le 1. 2. et 6. 7. janvier 2025.


Die Botschaft der Republik Serbien bleibt

am 25. und 26.12.2024

aufgrund der Feiertage geschlossen.




Pendant les fêtes
l’Ambassade de la République de Serbie
sera fermée le 25 et 26.12.2024.

АRMISTICE DAY, 11 November 1918

Today, on Armistice Day in World War I, we remember the Golgotha that our country and
our people went through during the war years, but also we remember the perseverance and heroism of our famous ancestors, to whom we owe our existence today.

The Serbian people was the biggest victim of World War I. The Central Powers, driven by
imperial ambitions, tried to erase a small but freedom-loving country from the map. In that
war, Serbia lost more than a quarter of its population and 62 percent of the working-age male population.

It will remain etched in the annals of world military history that the courageous Serbian people achieved the first victory for the Allies on Mount Cer.

The devastated Serbian state and the suffering Serbian people rose from the ashes, just like
the indestructible Natalie’s ramonda flower, an emblem that we proudly wear close to our hearts today.

Serbia paid a high price for freedom in World War I, which is why our country and its citizens will continue to protect Serbian statehood, freedom and independence as supreme national values. Long live Serbia!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Daily News 
Photo Gallery 

National Assembly

President of the Republic of Serbia

Serbian Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs