Folklore Ensemble "Karadjordje" celebrated its 20th anniversary on November 1, 2014 in the Theatre National Bern by organizing a concert under the title "We leave traces". Numerous dances and songs from various parts of Serbia were presented, while Folklore Ensemble "Karadzic" from Schoenenwerd and "Era" from Uzice also took part in concert as guests.
Dr. Snezana Jankovic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in the Swiss Confederation, and dr Aleksandar Djurdjic, Consul, also attended the concert. In her address to the audience, Ambassador Jankovic stressed the importance of the activities of Folklore Ensemble "Karadjordje" for preserving Serbian national identity, tradition and culture. She expressed her gratitude to the members of this Folklore Ensemble for their effort, enthusiasm and love for their country, demonstrated by nurturing Serbian cultural heritage out of the borders of their home country.